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What Our Clients & Partners Say...

What Our Clients Are Saying

It was a Great experience doing biz with John Abril. Thank you for making my family’s dream come through..

This was the third loan/refi I’ve worked with John Abril. He’s always available to walk you through every little detail and is very knowledgeable. I was a bit confused by the multiple times I had to sign new documents this time and not as happy with overall fees, but still an good overall experience. I highly recommend John as someone you can trust to help you get the best deal.

John is everything you want in a mortgage broker. He’s trustworthy, he keeps you informed and he stays on top of the process with you every step of the way. He was always easy to reach and quick to respond when I had questions. He was always patient with explaining anything I didn’t understand and he really took care to make sure I understood everything.

We were refinancing and were considering taking cash out vs just straight refinancing. John ran several numbers for us to help us make our decision. He also checked with a few different lenders to make sure who would offer us the best deal. He didn’t stop there, he was also able to negotiate an additional credit from the lender which we were not expecting but were very thankful for!

His timing with locking in our rate was impeccable. He showed me how he was monitoring the market and what news he felt might affect rates. I trusted him to know what he was doing and my faith was not misplaced. Rates went up the day after he locked ours in and went even higher in the following days and weeks.

So if you want someone who knows the business, knows the market, is patient, kind, and provides exceptional service, John at Bird Eye Loans should be your new mortgage broker.

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